Itchen Navigation: Map 2

Allbrook to Northam

Click on a section of the Navigation on the map to go to a route description of that length or use one of the links below the map.

Map of south half of Navigation Brambridge to Allbrook Allbrook to Withymead Lock Withymead Lock to Bishopstoke Bishopstoke to Fish House Bay Fish House Bay to Lock House Lock Lock House Lock to Sandy Lock Sandy Lock to Mans Bridge Mans Bridge to Gaters Mill and Wood Mill Wood Mill to Cobden Bridge Cobden Bridge to Northam

Links to Route Descriptions:

Allbrook to Withymead Lock
Withymead Lock to Bishopstoke
Bishopstoke to Fish House Bay
Fish House Bay to Lock House Lock
Lock House Lock to Sandy Lock
Sandy Lock to Mansbridge
Mansbridge to Gaters Mill and Wood Mill
Wood Mill to Cobden Bridge
Cobden Bridge to Northam

There is also an extract covering the Itchen Navigation from Bradshaw’s “Map of Canals, Navigable Rivers and Railways &c” published in 1830 and can be seen here.